Top Luxury Sports Cars to Rent in 2024
Top Luxury Sports Cars to Rent in 2024 - Sports Car Rental

Who does not like a sports car and who would not like to drive one? Generally speaking, everyone gets in awe of the sports car that they come across on the road. These beautiful beasts not only have the ability and charm to turn their heads in their direction. They also give rise to the urge to drive these dynamic and stunning cars in the people who see them. However, the exorbitantly high prices of these cars make them out of reach of ordinary people. Since these cars are owned by super rich people, owning or driving a sports car has also become a status symbol. However, there is no need for you to sigh in despair as you can also get to drive your dream sports car. Here are top cars that are popular for sports car rental Dubai in 2024.

Lamborghini Aventador SVJ Roadster

If you are looking for a sports car that combines elegant and gorgeous appearance with a sleek and high quality performance. Then Lamborghini Aventador SVJ Roadster is your answer. The new addition to the Aventador family is highly known for its powerful engine and optimal aerodynamic design. It boasts a 6.5 L V12 engine that allows the car to take on a speed of 60 mph in 2.7 seconds. The engine produces a power of 759 hp that allows you to have a driving experience like no other. This sports car rental will cost you somewhere between 2700 AED to 10000 AED per day.

Ferrari Roma

Ferrari is made for speed lovers and is known as one of the fastest cars in the world.  A Ferrari Roma fits this description of Ferrari cars pretty well. This car combines the performance and speed of Ferrari cars with an elegant appearance. This car has a V8 turbo engine which can reach up to 5000 RPM. This fact alone can guarantee you how fast this super car can get. This car takes only 3.4 seconds to reach a speed of 62 mph and it can go as fast as 198 mph. The speed sensors and anti-pollution filters are plus points that make it stand out from others. This Dubai sports car rental can cost you around 3299 AED per day.

Rolls Royce Cullinan

If you are looking for a luxury car that also provides a speedy and sporty drive. Then no need to look further than Rolls Royce Cullinan. It is an ideal choice for those looking for ultimate luxury and also looking for a racing thrill at the same time. The car boasts a powerful 6.7 L V12 engine that allows it to reach a speed of 60 mph in 4.8 seconds. This rented sports car in Dubai can cost you around 4000 AED per day.

Audi R8 Spyder 

Audi r8 Spyder not only offers stunning appearance but also offers a high quality performance with a precise handling of the car. The car is laced with 5.2 L V10 engine that provides an output of 602 hp. This car will not disappoint you if you are a speed lover and looking for an adrenaline rush. The powerful engine of the car allows it to reach a maximum speed of 200 mph while reaching 60 mph in just 3.5 seconds. Renting an Audi r8 Spyder in Dubai will cost you around 2500 AED per day.

Porsche 911 Carrera

Porsche cars are widely known for their racing capabilities and are also used in car racing. The high-end performance and fast speed of Porsche cars have made them a love of speed lovers worldwide. The Porsche 911 Carrera has a 3.0 L turbocharged flat-six engine that imparts the Porsche car its characteristic speed. This car can reach a maximum speed of 181 mph while it takes the vehicle to reach 60 mph in 3.2 seconds. You can get this car for rent at a daily rental of around 3000 AED.


Being able to drive a sports car would be a dream come true for many and Dubai car rental makes you able to do that. Although the rental prices of sports cars are higher than other economy cars. However, this is the price one needs to be able to pay to fulfill their dreams. You can contact a reliable car rental company in Dubai like Road Ventures Car Rentals when looking for a car rental online. By searching car rentals near me its convenient for you to book car rental at the nearest possible spot.